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Halloween Costumes in the American Spirit

It's October, and we're knee-deep in colorful leaves and Halloween spirit!

In Primerrily spirit, any seasonal festivity is a reason to also celebrate America, and Halloween is no exception. With this year’s trick-or-treat scene likely less active than years’ past, the costume component will just have to make up for that! Here are Primerrily’s favorite costumes to incorporate Americana into your kids’ ultimate dress-up day. Ideas here are for ready-made purchase or DIY inspiration! And just a start. . . check out others who also dig a "red, white, and boo" patriotic Halloween!


Don't forget the trick-or-treating tote. . . and tablet! Kid trivia: the tablet cradled in Lady Liberty's left arm reads the date of the Declaration of Independence, in Roman numerals, JULY IV MDCCLXXVI (July 4, 1776).


"It is better to offer no excuse than a bad." --George Washington

"It is better to offer treats than tricks." --Trick-or-treaters dressed as George Washington


"And fast her nimble fingers flew

To sew the stars upon the blue.

With weary eyes and aching head

She stitched the stripes of white and red"

-- excerpt from Betsy’s Battle Flag by Minna Irving


"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." --Frederick Douglass

"Hear, hear!" --Primerrily


"Do not worry about being worried; but accept worry peacefully. Difficult but not impossible." --Johnny Appleseed, aka John Chapman

"Sound advice for kids worried about parents taking their Halloween candy overnight." --Primerrily


"I want YOU... to take me trick-or-treating!"

--Trick-or-treater dressed as Uncle Sam


"There are no bad pictures; that's just how your face looks sometimes." --Abraham Lincoln

"Possibly said after taking a Halloween selfie. They didn't call him 'Honest Abe' for nothin'." --Primerrily


Native Americans (girl + boy) and Pilgrims (girl + boy)

"As we remember the faith and values that made America great, we should recall that our tradition of Thanksgiving is older than our Nation itself. Indeed, the native American Thanksgiving antedated those of the new Americans. In the words of the eloquent Seneca tradition of the Iroquois, "give it your thought, that with one mind we may now give thanks to Him our Creator." --Ronald Reagan, 1984 Thanksgiving Day Proclamation


“When the Declaration of Independence was written. It matters not at all whether Thomas Jefferson and his compatriots thought of women when they wrote that immortal document. They conceived and voiced a principle greater than any man.” --Carrie Chapman Catt

"Carrie Chapman Catt... was Susan B. Anthony’s handpicked choice to become president of the National American Women’s Suffrage Association’s (NAWSA)." --Independent Women's Forum


"The eagle displayed is the symbol of supreme power and authority, and signifies congress, and that the olive branch and arrows that it holds in its talons are the powers of peace and war." --William Barton, Seal of the United States design team


More Costume Ideas...

For more inspiration (and good laughs), here are some from your Primerrily neighbors. Send photos of your kids in costume to us at!


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